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Saturday, September 20, 2014

Blog Post #2

A few years ago I was talking with my Grandmother, whom I call Granny. She told me a story about my aunt; my Granny's oldest daughter, and how after she turned 40 years old she returned to college to get her masters in nursing. After my aunt accomplished getting her masters she went on  to became a successful head nurse at a prestigious hospital helping patients with heart conditions. My Granny continued telling me that after my aunt succeeded in getting her masters and began a successful career in nursing she was happier then she had ever been in her entire life. 

At the end of my Granny's story she looked at me and she said, "I would like to see you happy and it's never to late to pursue and education. Hasn't that always been your dream? To go back to college and get a degree.?" 

See, what happened to me after I turned 40 is I had lost touch with myself. I felt at times that I didn't know what I liked or disliked; what I wanted and didn't want. This happened to me after a lifetime of trying to please others, submerging myself in jobs that weren't a good fit, and forgetting to listen to my heart and remember my dreams. The story my Granny told me inspired me and reminded me of what I wanted in life once again.

Shortly after my focus was about going back to college to further my education to enable me to broaden my knowledge, get a degree, and deepen my critical thinking skills. Once I started on the road toward my goal, everything started to fall in place. Since making this commitment and staying focused on my goals, many opportunities started to develop. I finally figured out what I wanted in my life.

Thanks to my beautiful Granny I remembered my dream and nothing will stop me from achieving my goal. 

Friday, September 19, 2014

My Schedule

Vocabulary-Blog Post #2


1. the act of acquiring 
2. someone or something acquired or gained

"Acquisition of ongoing operations and relationship."

Work Cited:
Small Business Management 15e, Chapter 4-Franchising and Buyouts, P. 111

Context Clues: ongoing

Context Type: contrast

Acquisition in a sentence:
There are an acquisition of many paintings in the new museum.


1. to enter by gradual steps or by stealth into the possession or rights of another
2. to advance beyond the usual or proper limits

A variation on the complaint is referred to as encroachment. 

Work Cited:
Small Business Management 15e, Chapter 4-Franchising and Buyouts, P. 101

Context Clue: variation on the complaint

Context Type: contrast

Encroachment in a sentence:
The gradually encroaching sea is moving further upon the islands beaches. 


of or relating to how much there is of something; of or relating to the quantity or amount of something
1. of, relating to, or expressible in terms of quantity
2. of, relating to, or involving the measurement of quantity or amount

When applying the quantitative techniques discussed, you should consider a number of factors to evaluate the existing business.

Work Cited:
Small Business Management 15e, Chapter 4-Franchising and Buyouts, P. 115

Context Clue: a number of 

Context Type: inference

Quantitative in a sentence:
Let's try a more quantitative approach.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Vocabulary-Blog Post #1


the act or instance of placing two or more things side by side; also a state of being placed

He argued that body language, facial expressions and stock mannerisms, function "in juxtaposition to words," imparting feelings, attitude, reactions and judgement's on a different register.

Work Cited: 
Bauerlein, "Why Gen-Y Johnny Can't Read Noverbal Clues," (2009), p. 1.

Context Clues:
body language, facial expressions, stock mannerisms, function, words

Context Type:
contrast context clue

Fingerprint identification involves the juxtaposition of two fingerprints one on top of the other.


cultural modification of an individual, group, or people adapting to or borrowing traits from another culture; also a merging of cultures as a result of prolonged contact

And how could they, "for the silent language" is acquired through acculturation, not schooling.

Work Cited: 
Bauerlein, "Why Gen-Y Johnny Can't Read Noverbal Clues," (2009), p. 1.

Context Clues:
silent language, acquired, not schooling

Context Type:
inference context type

The immigrants they are speaking of are those who have acculturated to the United States.


having or showing skill, cleverness, or resourcefulness in handling situations

The digital natives improve their adroitness at the keyboard, but when it comes to their capacity to "read" others; they are all thumbs.

Context Clues:
digital natives, capacity, read the behavior of others

Context Type:
cause and effect context type

Mrs. Bogan displays adroitness at teaching her class, by her ability to get the most out of her students.

My Life's Backpack

In my life's backpack I carry myself with compassion. I used to think at times that being compassionate to the needs of others was a hindrance and that I needed to carry my own life as I carry the lives of my friends and family. But, what I found out is that I was completely wrong in my thinking. I really recognized this after reading Mrs. Bogans Blog and what she wrote about from the book, "The Things They Carried." The part that hit home was this, "They often carried each other, the wounded and the weak." It took great compassion to do what those men did in the story.

When you are compassionate to others and when you yourself need compassion there are plenty of friends and family around to help you. On the other hand, when you neglect the compassion of others, you only lose and when you need compassion there is no one to found. You then become angry and you start hate. This is what happened to me. When I lost my compassion, that is when I lost my chance for a future of success. I wasn't able to find mental peace. 

How I began was by removing the hindrances to compassion; the anger and the hatred I was feeling. This anger I carried in my backpack had to go. I then began to realize that as long as we live in this world we are bound to encounter problems.  I had to remember to have compassion and start to see the obstacles that I thought were in my way as an opportunity to improve my mind and then I again gradually regained my compassion for others. 

The only way to be truly happy is to have compassion because the nature of a human being cherishes this above all else and is only second to love. Without compassion we can not truly love. So without one or the other we have nothing.

Since I began to carry with myself, compassion in my life's backpack, my mental state is full of purpose and nothing is going to stop me from achieving my goals. The main focus has now been about getting an education. The more educated I am the more I can help and be compassionate for others. 

My educational goals may not appear to be focused on compassion since I am going to college to obtain an Entrepreneurship Associate in Science degree. With this degree my plan is to help small business people bring back the compassion for others in the workplace, which is something that I feel has been lost along the way. Since we spend most of our daily lives in the workplace there is a strong need for the workplace to be one that makes us happy. Therefore, compassion is an essential part of running a successful business. My plan is to help others become more compassionate when it comes to their employee. Because compassion brings happiness which is an effective way to improve all of humanity.